Thursday, August 30, 2012

Big Sister!

Baird Baby #2 due March 13! 
We are so excited!! Our little family of three will turn into four. It's a crazy thought but one we've been hoping for a while.
Annie is going to be the BIG sister, the oldest child. I think she's ready for some more entertainment and eventually a playmate. She's in denial that there's a "baby in mom's tummy", but I'm not too worried. She'll figure it out one way or another. We are excited to find out the gender in about a month and can't wait for our sweet baby to arrive in March! 
As far as pregnancy goes...well it goes. I was hoping to be less sick this time around, no such luck.  I just have to constantly remind myself that it will all be worth it. We are pretty pleased with our first result :) .

To get a picture of Annie I just have to follow her around while she goes through her emotions. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Snuggle Bug

One thing I will always appreciate about Annie is that the girl loves her sleep! At least going to sleep in her crib. I check her after she falls asleep for nap and bedtime and she's in a different position just about every time- you never know what you are going to find. Here are a few of my favs. 
Comfy? Her head was so sweaty. 

Those animals usually stay at the bottom of the crib. 

My sweet angel!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The family came to town

 Scott turned 29!! My old man :). For his bday weekend my parents, Jake and Kenton, and Kiera and her kids came up. The boys knocked out our sprinkler system in two days. I don't know how we got so lucky, I love my family!! While the boys were working Kiera and I went to Bear World's cub palooza. It had been raining earlier so it wasn't very crowded. The kids had a ball!! Scott was so happy to work on his birthday (really, he was) and we went to Sol Rio for dinner. The night before we went to Diamond Rio and BYUI. And although it SNOWED on his birthday, we had a lovely weekend. (his birthday pics are all on my phone, which will one day be downloaded...)

Just watchin' the bears. Annie has a good roar.

We got to pet the little guys!

Cute Bockholts! Annie's beanie kinda made it :)

Coolest petting zoo. This is as close as Annie would go.

Free unlimited rides with no lines?! Kyla was in heaven.

After a couple rides Annie was done and had fun watching from her stroller. 

Tractor rides from Grandpa!
Diamond Rio. I tested out my camera and then forgot to take more pictures. They were awesome.

"Is this how panties go mom?"
Our house always seems so empty after everyone leaves. But it was fun while it lasted :).

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Day at the Park

The other weekend Lisa and sweet Ava flew into town and we got to play all weekend! One Sunday afternoon we went to the park and Kym documented the evening. Sometimes the best memories are the simplest. 
Cool glasses.

Ava and Annie!

Frisbee golf. We were awesome.

Don't wake Ezra!

Best attempt at cousin shot

They were worn out!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I've figured out how to download pictures I'm back. Hello blogging world! 
Annie is growing like a weed. Is officially not allergic to dairy anymore (is LOVING whole milk). Is a sweetheart with a silly personality. Is a genius (as I'm sure everyone parent thinks about their child). And wonderful. Also spoiled.
Here is our Easter in pictures:
We decided to brave a community Easter egg hunt. Meh. She got four eggs, two of which I gathered so she could pick up later. It might be more fun when she is older and knows how to hurry.

Meeting up with the Christensons for like a minute!
The Easter bunny came!
Whoa, I just figured out how to "add caption" under a picture. cool.

The ball was the highlight!

 Easter was great. We woke up, enjoyed Annie's basket (Scott and I decided our new Easter tradition is to get each other a pair of shoes...?) and were late to church. No fancy cute dressed up pictures. I think there is one on my phone where Annie is crying and missing a shoe and trying to pull off my dress. 
That afternoon the Bosters came over and we dyed eggs, went to the park for a few hours, ate a traditional Easter dinner, went on a walk and then crashed. It was perfect. 
Dyeing eggs in diapers. They had a ball and the weather was GORGEOUS !! Thank you for once, Idaho. 

Easter egg hunt at Iona Park. We put out just a few eggs for Annie and Grant,  but they loved it so much we kept sprinkling more.

Look at those bellies!! Mostly just Annies. hehe.

The "men" liked the swings more then the kids!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines Morning

I LOVE Valentine's Day. Always have, always will. Call me cheezy if you want.
This year before Scott left for work he left sweet little gifts for me and Annie. I decided to take pictures of the day but only got so far, so here you go.
Here is Annie inspecting her chocolate. She is a little chocolate monster.

It took her several attempts to get close to her dog (dogs make her nervous).

She officially warmed up to her dog.

Here's the love bug after sucking on her kiss. Happy as can be. The videos are even cuter, but I'm video challenged on this blog.

Hope your day was "love"ly!

18 months!

We love our Annie Kay! Everyday she makes us smile. Scott and I were watching her play around our feet and started talking about how life would be so different without her. She is our sweet angel!
I attemped to take some pictures of her all cute and still. But after about one pic. she was done.

Off to put on her beads and play with her babies.

Squishy little profile.

And of course she ends up reading books. That is what always ends up happening. Books all day long. ALL DAY LONG. Which is great if she's not throwing a tantrum because I'm busy and can't read to her.

We love you BIG girl!!

Island Park 2012

Another wonderful Island Park trip :). The Bosters, Bairds, and Eastmans made it perfect. Lounging in the cabin, hot tubbing, and snowmobiling.
Grant and Annie playing in the snow.

Lil Ezra wants to play!

Annie hated walking on the snow. So picky.

Happy to watch Grant play in the snow from her patch of dry land.

Walking home from an A-mazing dinner at the Pines.

Annie's first snowmobil ride.

A terrible attempt at a cousin shot. But aren't they cute?